Courses We Offer
Expert Tutoring at UMD

We're happy to help in any way we can. The full course list below is pretty comprehensive. If you don't see your course on the list, please contact us by submitting a request, we may still be able to help you. We'll see what we can do.

We currently have tutors available for:

BCHM 461
Biochemistry 1
BCHM 463
Biochemistry of Physiology
BMGT 110
Introduction to the Business Value Chain
BMGT 210
Foundations of Accounting for Non Business Majors
BMGT 220
Principles of Accounting I
BMGT 221
Principles of Accounting II
BMGT 230
Business Statistics
BMGT 301
Introduction to Information Systems
BMGT 310
Intermediate Accounting I
BMGT 340
Business Finance
BSCI 160
Principles of Ecology and Evolution
BSCI 170
Principles of Molecular & Cellular Biology
BSCI 171
Principles of Molecular & Cellular Biology Laboratory
BSCI 201
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BSCI 202
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BSCI 222
Principles of Genetics
BSCI 223
General microbiology
BSCI 330
Biology and Physiology
CCJS 200
Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice
CHEM 131
Chemistry 1 - Fundamentals of General Chemistry
CHEM 132
General Chemistry 1 Laboratory
CHEM 134
Chemical Principles for Engineering
CHEM 135
General Chemistry for Engineers
CHEM 136
General Chemistry Laboratory for Engineers
CHEM 146
Principles of General Chemistry
CHEM 147
Introduction to Laboratory Practices and Research in the Chemical Sciences
CHEM 177
Introduction to Laboratory Practices and Research in the Chemical Sciences
CHEM 231
Organic Chemistry 1
CHEM 232
Organic Chemistry Lab 1
CHEM 241
Organic Chemistry 2
CHEM 242
Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM 271
General Chemistry and Energetics
CHEM 272
General Bioanalytical Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 277
Analyt/Bioanalyt chemistry lab
CHEM 481
Physical Chemistry I
CHEM 483
Physical Chemistry Laboratory I
CLEP Algebra
CLEP Algebra (University of Maryland Global Campus)
CMIS 141
Introductory Programming (University of Maryland Global Campus)
CMSC 122
Intro to Programming via the Web
CMSC 131
Object-Oriented Programming 1
CMSC 132
Object-Oriented Programming 2
CMSC 216
Introduction to Computer Systems
CMSC 250
Discrete Structures
CMSC 330
Organization of Programming Languages
CMSC 351
CMSC 414
Computer and Network Security
CMSC 420
Data Structures
ECON 200
Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 201
Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 306
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory and Policy
ENAE 202
Aerospace Computing
ENAE 301
ENCE 302
Probability and Statistics for Civil and Environmental Engineers
ENEE 140
Introduction to Programming Concepts for Engineers
ENEE 150
Intermediate Programming Concepts for Engineers
ENEE 324
Engineering Probability
ENES 102
Mechanics I
ENES 220
Mechanics II
ENFP 250
Introduction to Life Safety Analysis
ENFP 300
Fire Protection Fluid Mechanics
ENGL 101
Academic Writing I/College Composition I
ENGL 102
Academic Writing II/College Composition II
ENGL 391
Advanced Composition
ENGL 393
Technical Writing
ENGL 394
Business Writing
ENME 392
Statistical Methods for Product and Processes Development
INST 126
Introduction to Programming for Information Science
INST 314
Statistics for information science
INST 326
Object-Oriented Programming for Information Science
INST 354
Decision Making for Information Science
JOUR 181
Grammar for Journalists
MATH 003
Developmental Mathematics
MATH 007
Algebra for Math 107
MATH 009
Introductory Algebra (University of Maryland Global Campus)
MATH 010
Algebra for MATH110
MATH 011
Algebra for MATH111
MATH 013
Algebra for MATH113
MATH 015
Algebra for MATH115
MATH 097
Intermediate Algebra for the Liberal Arts (Montgomery College)
MATH 107
Introduction to Math Modeling and Probability
MATH 108
Trigonometry and Analytical Geometry (University of Maryland Global Campus)
MATH 112
College Algebra with Applications and Trigonometry
MATH 113
College Algebra with Applications
MATH 115
Elements of Statistics (Montgomery College)
MATH 120
Elementary Calculus I
MATH 121
Elementary Calculus II
MATH 130
Calculus I for Life Sciences
MATH 131
Calculus II for Life Sciences
MATH 135
Mathematics for Life Sciences
MATH 136
Calculus for Life Sciences
MATH 140
Calculus I
Calculus I (Honors)
MATH 141
Calculus II
Calculus II (Honors)
MATH 150
Elementary Applied Calculus 1 (Montgomery College)
MATH 206
Introduction to MATLAB
MATH 212
Elements of Numbers and Operations
MATH 213
Elements of Geometry and Measurement
MATH 214
Elements of Probability and Statistics
MATH 240
Introduction to Linear Algebra
MATH 241
Calculus III
MATH 246
Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers (Honors)
MATH 310
Introduction to Mathematical Proof
MATH 340
Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Equations I (Honors)
MATH 341
Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra and Differential Equations II (Honors)
MATH 401
Applications of Linear Algebra
MATH 403
Introduction to Abstract Algebra
MATH 410
Advanced Calculus 1
MATH 411
Advanced Calculus 2
MATH 461
Linear Algebra for Scientists and Engineers
MATH 463
Complex Variables for Scientists and Engineers
MATH 464
Transform Methods for Scientists and Engineers
K-12 Math
PH 161
Physics I (Montgomery College)
PHYS 121
Fundamentals of Physics 1
PHYS 122
Fundamentals of Physics 2
PHYS 131
Fundamentals of Physics for Life Sciences 1
PHYS 132
Fundamentals of Physics for Life Sciences 2
PHYS 161
General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics
PHYS 165
Introduction to Programming for the Physical Sciences
PHYS 171
Introductory Physics: Mechanics and Relativity
PHYS 174
Physics Lab Introduction
PHYS 211
General Physics: Mechanics (The Pennsylvania State University)
PHYS 212
General Physics: Electricity and Magnetism (The Pennsylvania State University)
PHYS 260
General Physics: Waves, Heat, and Electricity
PHYS 261
General Physics: Vibrations, Waves, Heat, Electricity and Magnetism (Laboratory)
PHYS 270
Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity & Modern Physics
PHYS 271
Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity & Modern Physics (Lab)
PHYS 272
Introductory Physics: Fields
PHYS 273
Introductory Physics: Waves
PHYS 371
Modern Physics
PHYS 373
Mathematical Methods for Physics II
PHYS 401
Quantum Physics I
PHYS 404
Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
PHYS 410
Classical Mechanics
PHYS 411
Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism
Statistical Methods in Psychology
STAT 100
Elementary Statistics and Probability
STAT 200
Introduction to Statistics (University of Maryland Global Campus)
STAT 225
Introduction to Statistical Methods for the Behavioral Sciences (University of Maryland Global Campus)
STAT 230
Business Statistics (University of Maryland Global Campus)
STAT 400
Applied Probability and Statistics I
STAT 401
Applied Probability and Statistics II
STAT 410
Introduction to Probability Theory
Writing -General
General writing help